Improving Indoor Air Quality By Going Green

  • pollution free environment magazine

Improving Indoor Air Quality By Going Green

Pot Mum (chrysanthemum morifolium)

air-pollution-controlThis plant is capable of removing 61% of Formaldehyde, 53% of Benzene and 41.2% of Trichloroethylene. This is capable of removing several other household toxins.

Aloe Vera

air-pollution-controlAloe vera has great medicinal values and it is also efficient in removing formaldehyde and other toxins from air. The liquid present in the plant contains enzymes that are efficient in healing wounds

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

air-pollution-controlThis plant is capable of removing 52.6% of Benzene and 13.4% of Trichloroethylene. It does not require more water. It can survive well in dry climates.

Peace Lily (spathiphyllum or "Mauna Loa")

air-pollution-controlIt is the most efficient at removing the airborne toxins such as Benzene, Tricholoroethylene, Formaldehyde etc. This plant must be placed in shade since it might even burn when placed under direct sunlight. It can be watered weekly once.